These policies are some of the ones that parents ask the most questions about.
We are open 6:00-6:00 Monday-Friday
Your child should be dropped off by 8:30 am unless there is a doctor's appt. and you have an excuse to bring them in later. This allows them to participate in morning activities and reduce classroom disruptions later in the day. If you will be bringing your child in later, please call the center to notify us of your anticipated arrival time so that we can prepare meals for them if needed and can adequately prepare for the day.
If you anticipate that you will be later than 6:00 pm picking your child up, please try to arrange for someone else to pick your child up. If they are picked up late, there will be a late fee charged to your account.
Drop Off/Pick Up Expectations
Cell Phone Policy- We kindly ask that you refrain from using your cell phone while in our building. This allows your entire focus to be on your child while dropping them off or picking up.
Children are not allowed to run down the hallway or out in the parking lot. We always encourage children to use "walking feet" while at school to prevent accidents in the hallway. Parents are encouraged to hold small children's hands when they are entering and exiting the building to prevent an accident in the parking lot.
To reduce the parking lot congestion during busy drop off/pick up times, please follow our Parking Lot Diagrams for each center:
No Smoking Policy- To ensure a healthy environment for our children we ask that all visitors refrain from smoking in our parking lot. This prevents second hand smoke and unnecessary cigarette butts in our parking lot.

One hundred years from now,
It won't matter what
car I drove,
What kind of house I lived in,
How much I had in my
bank account,
Nor what my
clothes looked like,
But, the world may be a little better because I was important in
the life of a child.
- Unknown
Quick questions during hectic morning drop off or busy pick up times are fine but if you have concerns or accounting issues, you may want to call the center or email us so that we can respond during our office hours (9:00 - 2:00). We will usually schedule Parent conferences, Center Tours, and return telephone calls/emails during these hours.
Children should be clocked in/out every day. This is crucial for us keeping accurate attendance records. When a new person comes to pick your child up for the first time, they will be required to show their drivers license so that we can confirm their identity and get them set up on the computer to sign in/out.
Our keyless entry system is used for the most frequent visitors to our school. We ask that you not share your code with anyone, this helps to ensure that people who enter the building are approved guests. If you are sending a family member or other person on your child's approved pick up list, they can ring the guest doorbell to enter the building. If they will begin coming more frequently, we will assign them an access code.
Outside Toys, Blankets, Food, and Drinks
Please refrain from bringing in any outside toys or blankets for your child, we have plenty of materials for them to play with and will provide blankets for them. Children are expected to share while at school and this is a challenge when something personally belongs to them.
Outside food and drinks are not allowed without proper documentation for medical conditions. If your child needs a little snack before being dropped off before school, we understand that may be necessary because they may not get breakfast for an hour or longer but it's unacceptable to bring them in with breakfast from McDonalds and expect us to let them eat it in front of their friends.
We use a 5 week rotating menu that meet the Federal Child Nutrition Guidelines. We have a menu for Spring/Summer seasons and another menu for Fall/Winter seasons. Here is an example of our menu:

Tuition Policy
Tuition is billed on Monday for the current week and due by Tuesday at 9:00 to avoid a late fee.
Accounts must be current for care to resume the following week.
We can set up your billing to be processed once a month or bi-weekly if you choose and they must be paid in advance.
Monthly billing is processed on the first Monday of the Month
Bi-weekly schedules are determined individually. For example, you want to pay bi-weekly when you get paid. We will figure out which schedule you fall on and you would pay for the following two weeks so that your credit runs out right before your next paycheck.
Tuition Express is how we process payments. You give us your account information and we will deduct the amount from your checking account on the agreed upon schedule: weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.​
We can also take: checks, money orders, and debit/credit cards as necessary.
Vacation Policy
We offer 1 free week for Infants-PreK for each year they are enrolled. School age kids are allowed 1/2 off during Thanksgiving, Christmas holidays, and Spring Break. Summer Campers are allowed one week of vacation and you are still responsible for half of the tuition. Stop by the office to pick up a vacation request form or send us an email if your child will be out.
Illness Policy
It's inevitable, young children in a group care setting will get sick. Their immune systems are not built up yet so they are more succeptible to illness than older children. We understand that parent's need to work and this can be an inconvience at times. There are state regulations that prevent us from having ill children at the center without proper documentation. If a child is sent home sick, they must have a doctor's excuse to return or be symptom free for at least 24 hours.
Here are some of the most common symptoms we will send a child home for:
Fever- temperatures over 100 (under the arm without adding a degree)
Diarrhea- two or more loose stools, or over and above what is normal for the child
Pink Eye
Rash or other unexplained Skin Conditions
We are not doctor's and do not claim to be, some symptoms may need to be seen by a doctor to ensure that the condition is more serious or extremely contagious. If you bring your child to the doctor and find out they have been diagnosed with something and will be out for a few days, please let us know. The condition may need to be communicated to parents of the other children in that classroom.
If your child has a diaper rash, we can apply over the counter cream (Desitin, Boudreaux's, etc.) with a Diaper Cream Authorization form completed by the parent. If your child requires a prescription cream (ex. Nystatin), a Physician's authorization is required in addition to the parent's authorization form. Diaper rashes should look better within 1-2 days of applying cream, we may ask you to bring in a different over the counter cream or have a physician check them and prescribe one.
We cannot give medicine without proper documentation. This includes over the counter medicines like tylenol, motrin, benadryl. In order for medication to be given by us, we must have:
Physician Medication Authorization
Parent Medication Authorization- we have two different forms depending on the situation
Short Term Medicines like antibiotics- these are usually brought home daily and returned
Long Term Medicines for emergencies, as needed, or daily maintenance- this could be things like epi-pens for allergies, tylenol for teething, or prescriptions for ADHD. These medicines usually stay at the center and require updated documentation every 3 months.
Side Effects Information on the Medication
If your child requires sunscreen or bug spray to be applied throughout the day, we will require additional documentation. We encourage sunscreen to be applied everyday, especially during the summer months.