There are so many more skills than just ABC's and 123's that your child needs to know before Kindergarten. The state of Louisiana uses the Early Learning Developmental Standards to describe what children should know before entering Kindergarten. This is a great, simplified list of things that shows what your child should learn in preschool to be prepared for "big school"- click here.
Story time, small group activities, art activities, and gross motor activities are just a few of the things that fill up our days at school. This is an example of our Daily Schedule.
We like to have guest speakers come visit the kids at school, for example during our Community Helpers theme we would invite a local dentist to come speak to the children about the importance of taking care of their teeth and the fire department to talk about fire safety.
We will do assessments three times per year on your preschool age child to ensure that they are making progress towards the Kindergarten standards. This helps the teacher modify lessons to meet the children's needs better.
Parent's will provide: extra changes of clothes, large pack of wipes, preschool journal, nap mat

At this age, children are very curious and becoming more and more independent. This is a great list of ways you can help your child at home to get ready for Kindergarten- click here.

Developmental Checklists by Age: